VIEWPOINT 2022: Paul Wells, CEO, sureCore Paul Wells (sureCore CEO) gives his circuitnet Viewpoint 2022. See the full article on…
SemiWiki: sureCore CEO Paul Wells describes a variety of new and innovative applications for sureCore memory products Daniel Nenni…
UK made: Register memory IP cuts SoC power for wearables Sheffield memory design house sureCore is offering intellectual property to…
sureCore register file delivers 50% power reduction MiniMiser register file architecture gives developers a new way of optimizing the power…
sureCore delivers ultra-low power register files with more than 50% less power than off-the-shelf versions Reduces power consumption for…
sureCore designs multi-port memory for Semidynamics AI chip sureCore has designed a power and area efficient, high performance, multi-port, embedded…
sureCore designs special high performance multi-port memory for Semidynamics AI chip sureCore, the embedded memory specialist, has designed a…